Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas is Not P.C.!

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! Today is one of those days when thinking about your weight and how much you've eaten is testament to your selfishness and moral disgust. Harsh, but if I even think about worrying about how much I've eaten, I remind myself that today is not the day.

So I'm trying not to feel like the pig I would otherwise consider myself to be. I honestly didn't do that bad...I had leftover sushi in the morning from last night (I love triple-spicy-tuna rolls!), and then a little bit of everything at dinner, mostly vegetables, no gravy. Just a little piece of turkey. I overdid it on the Champagne, as I am prone to do, and I definately licked all the frosting off the mini cupcakes my friend brought over for dessert. I also had 5 of those babies, and threw the rest away before I did anymore damage...oh, there I go again!

I'm so grateful to be sitting in front of a warm fire, with my new laptop and good friends and family. There's nothing else I need to think about.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Night Before Christmas

Original title, I agree. But it reminds me of one of my most favorite films, The Nightmare Before Christmas. I love anything by Tim Burton (double points if it features Johnny Depp, yum).

It's a little sad how Christmas has lost a little bit of its luster over the years. It just seemed so much more magical when I was a child; now, it comes sooner than I am ready for it, but just thinking about preparing for it is almost exhausting. Don't get me wrong: I love Christmas and this is my favorite season of the year. But there's less of the anticipation, less of the countdown.

Anyway, that was my random rant. I hope everyone out there in blogworld has a wonderful Christmas (and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful day anyway). I was thinking about what I have to buy for my kitchen when I get back to my apartment at the end of break:

  • Larabars (I love the Coconut Creme Pie, Cashew Cookie and Cinnamon Roll. I haven't tried Gingersnap or Peanut Butter yet). I used to live off the Lunabars (I love the Peanut Butter Cookie, Brownie, and Chocolate Raspberry), but they didn't keep me full. I kept eating 2 or 3 at a time - it was dangerous.
  • plain oatmeal
  • oatmeal toppings (inspired by all you guys!): coconut flakes, chocolate chips (for weekends only of course), cinnamon
  • peanut butter (it'll be a challenge to have peanut butter in the house)...I'm excited about trying Peanut Butter & Co.'s different flavors, especially the maple and dark chocolate ones
  • flavored teas (I have the Sugar Cookie Sleigh right now), especially those of the chai variety

My goal is to spend less money on food - it really racks up, especially those coffee runs. I want to eat healthy, eat less crap, more vegetables. I want more money for clothes!

Monday, December 22, 2008

First Blog Entry!

Ok, so let's hope that this time, I can keep up with the world of blogging...=) I've tried Xanga, I've probably tried MySpace. Those didn't work out so well...

But I'm really excited about this new blog! I felt like I needed something, I don't know, separate from my friends and family. There's a lot that I don't like to share with the people that I actually do know because I'm (a) afraid to be vulnerable; (b) know they won't truly understand; and (c) just really like secrets!

The point of my page is to chronicle my daily eats and musings. I ran across several amazing blogs a few weeks ago, and now I'm hooked. I couldn't believe that other girls felt the same things I did (for example, feeling like I can't control myself when there's food in the house; hence, my fridge in my apartment is virtually empty aside from some Fiji water bottles and San Pellegrino...sad, I know). Basically, I was inspired to create my own online escape and use it as a way of normalizing/neutralizing my fears and insecurities (God forbid I reveal these to the real world!). Hopefully I'll end up writing more than just about food and eating, and be able to rant about the silly things like school, boys, movies, books, etc. Hopefully someone out there will read me!

Ok, so that's my intro...I don't have much else to say about today except that it's freezing on the East Coast! I'm sitting in front of my space heater at home with a cup of green tea and a mud mask on my face...lovely sight.

Good night all!