Monday, January 12, 2009

Need To Get Into the Habit

Ok, I need to remember to stop and take some photos of what I eat BEFORE I eat. Maybe I'm under some delusion that I'll still be able to after it's all gone into my stomach...=P

So another pictureless post. It's 2:00 a.m. I have such a problem staying asleep; I fall zzz around 12 a.m., then wake up a couple hours later thinking I've slept for a long time. Only the clock busts that bubble. Even worse is that I usually am hungry, so I eat. Such a random hour to eat...

So for my "breakfast," I had a single serving of white rice heated in the microwave (320), and topped it with this Japanese fermented soybean, with a drizzle of sesame oil that came with the beans. Ok, you have to see this looks like some weird alien eggs or something and is, well, slimy. It's all stringy and can get a little messy if you're not careful. It's an acquired taste, I guess...doesn't really taste like much, but it can be a little unnerving (and I've heard, smelly?). Supposedly it's really healthy for you (only 80 calories), and the whole thing, with the rice, at least looked filling. All for health!

Now, I'm having a cup of sugar cookie sleigh tea (I love this discovery!) with 1/2 a packet of Splenda, and a lavender-vanilla French macaron I bought from a bakery yesterday. OMG I love macarons (I love the coconut macaroons, too, but these this cookie ain't). I don't know how lavender-y or vanilla-y the macaron tasted, but it was like biting into essence of a flower. If that makes any sense. The airy, crispy meringue cookie gave way to denser, but still light, ganache. About 4 bites. I savored every one. I still have 4 left, so hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures next time!

Before I head off to school, I'm going to have a glass of wheatgrass powder with water.

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